
40週年系所慶cover art第一名

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說明: 2019年全球的太陽能市場發電的累計安裝量達593.3GW,預計於2030年將達到1,582.9GW的規模,其中矽太陽能電池市佔比例超過九成,混合型矽基太陽能電池有低溫製程、低成本以及薄型可彎性的優勢,可成為太陽能光電產業下個世代的趨勢。本工作發現在混合有機奈米線太陽能電池中,藉由摻雜有機小分子F4-TCNQ至p型螢光高分子共軛聚合物PFO的溶液可加速電洞傳導。元件的填充因子及光電轉換效率皆與F4TCNQ的摻雜濃度有關,在摻雜濃度30%的元件可得到最佳的光電轉換效率,其增益的原因可歸功於此有機摻雜層可透過幾無能量損耗的界面載子複合來幫助電洞傳輸。而且F4-TCNQ分子偏好聚積在矽的表面,因此摻雜濃度還呈現出縱向分布,更有助於降低電洞在矽表面的損耗。目前此有機摻雜層應用於常見之矽晶太陽能電池也可看到類似現象,元件表現皆與F4TCNQ的摻雜濃度有關,因此F4-TCNQ摻雜p型的有機材料的溶液具有潛力取代矽晶太陽能電池之摻雜層。

Title:The silver lining of hybrid solar cells

Description : The solution p-type doping of highly-fluorescent conjugated polymers such as poly(9,9-dioctylfluorenyl-2,7-diyl) (PFO) via blending with tetrafluorotetracyano-quinodimethane (F4-TCNQ) demonstrates superior hole transport characteristics for hybrid organic-silicon-nanowire solar cells. Both the device fill-factor and power conversion efficiency (PCE) are positively correlated with the doping concentration. The best PCE achieves from the device with 30% p-doped PFO, compared to the reference. The enhancement is ascribed to the efficient interfacial charge-carrier recombination with minimal energy losses. A vertically graded doping profile is further revealed with F4-TCNQ molecules preferentially accumulated near the silicon surface. The F4-TCNQ-doped PFO solution has also been applied to conventional silicon solar cell and exhibited similar device characteristics, where the PCE and FF are proportional to the doping concentration. The solution doping approach demonstrates great potential to replace the doping layer in conventional silicon solar cells.
