賀!!本系博士生黃葶芛獲“SPIE Best Student Paper Prize” 及“OLC 2023 Best Student Presentation Award”(獎金200歐元)(指導教授:林怡欣教授)
1.SPIE Best Student Paper Prize, 得獎者:黃葶芛同學 (Ting-Wei Huang)
Title: A liquid crystal lens set in augmented reality systems and virtual reality systems for rapidly varifocal images and vison correction.
Presented at: Optics of liquid crystals 2023 (OLC 2023, 20th) Conference, Szczecin, Poland
2.OLC 2023 Best Student Presentation Award, 得獎者:黃葶芛同學 (Ting-Wei Huang)
Title: A liquid crystal lens set in augmented reality systems and virtual reality systems for rapidly varifocal images and vison correction.
Presented at: Optics of liquid crystals 2023 (OLC 2023, 20th) Conference, Szczecin, Poland
- 附件檔案
- “SPIE Best Student Paper Prize”“OLC 2023 Best Student Presentation Award”
- 最後修改時間
- 2023-10-03 09:45:52