
Faculty Positions in Department of Photonics at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

HOMEFaculty Positions in Department of Photonics at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

The Department of Photonics at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University in Taiwan (DoP, NYCU, Taiwan) welcomes applications for faculty positions at the Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor levels.

Opportunities are open to candidates with expertise in photonics research, particularly focusing on the following domains: Silicon Photonics, Quantum optics, Artificial Intelligence, Novel optoelectronic components and Systems, Information Optics and Imaging Technology.


To apply:

Interested applicants should prepare a single PDF document file* and send it to the chair of faculty search committee by email before August 31, 2024. The application documents should contain:


(1) Personal resume and academic experience documents.

(2) Research proposal.

(3) Publication list.

(4) Curriculum planning for three subjects in the field of optoelectronics.(For related courses in this department, please refer to: https://timetable.nycu.edu.tw/)

(5)** At least three letters of recommendation(including the supervisor of the doctoral program or current work supervisor)


**Recommendation letters should be sent directly from the recommender to chair of faculty search committee via email.

*The PDF document file be emailed with title of “Apply for faculty position with DoP/NYCU” to:


Prof . Chung-Hao Tien

Chair, Faculty Search Committee, Department of Photonics

National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan 30010

Tel: 886-3-5712121-59201     

E-mail: chtien@nycu.edu.tw

Website: https://dop.nycu.edu.tw/en/index.html